Always look for an authorized credit card vendor when looking for low intro rate cards. They will readily explain to you what it is like to be a credit holder and will also guide you on how to improve your credit history. Players like Master Credit Cards and the like will tell you how to enjoy the benefits of using a card without having to bear the official responsibility of paying off all the credit card balance.
You can also ask the credit card vendor about way you can become an authorized user even if you have bad or insufficient credit history. But for this to be possible you will have to ensure that the person liable on the linked account is able to keep up with the payments. There should be no negative reporting. Any negative remark will appear on your credit report in case you’re an authorized user.
Don’t Forget To Check With The Low Intro Rate Cards Issuer
Want to be added as an authorized credit card user? This should be to an account whose operations are in responsible hands. This will help you build your credit history. You will have to ensure with the issuer and credit bureaus that the linked account is regularly reported on your credit report.
You Will Have To Learn To Use Your Credit Card Wisely
Use your credit card as a financial tool to manage your money. It can help you build a budget. Avoid over-spending at all costs and choose to make small purchases that you are able to pay for in the future.