Low interest credit cards are a great method for consumers to boost their buying power while also saving their precious money. Citibank credit cards also offer introductory low interest credit cards to help their customers pay off their credit card debt faster. Here’s a look at the important benefits of these cards:

- Help save money
Interest rate linked with a credit card becomes extremely important if you wish to carry a balance on it. The higher the rate of interest, the more you will be required to pay for utilizing the credit card for your purchases. You can also save money by making use of balance transfers. A balance transfer is one when you make use of low interest rate card to pay off other credit cards. This helps in saving you big money depending on the rate of interest of the card that you are paying off. - Pay off your credit card debt faster
Low interest credit cards help in paying off debt faster. When you transfer balance from your high rate credit cards, you get a lower interest rate for your debts. If you continue paying the same amount every month that you were paying under your high interest rate cards, your debts will get paid faster. - Lessen minimum payment
Apart from helping you save money in the long run, credit cards with low interest free up cash each month. This is due to the fact that lower interest leads to lower monthly payments. Minimum payments form a definite percentage of what you are obligated to pay. The less you owe in interest, the less you’ll be required to owe overall for your credit card. Thus, you’ll have more money every month to pay other bills.